Thursday, May 5, 2011

busy, busy, busy

it's been busy, busy, busy these days. actually it's always busy, but life has been just a bit busier. it's nearing the end of the school year and i am finding myself staying at work for slightly longer periods of time. trying to make sure that part of my life is in order.

sadly my home life has suffered. i told my mom the other day she wasn't allowed to come over for fear she'd call cps to come inspect my home. it's not that bad, but it sure feels like it. i thought about taking photos to show you, but then you'd know how bad it is. i hate when my home is messy. i mean i really hate it. i cannot function in it. it makes me want to retreat to my room and hide.

so that is that. i wish something exciting was keeping me away, but it's just life. so looking forward to summer vacation!

oh, and the weather today? unreal. does the first 90 degree of the season always feel so miserably hot?