Friday, December 30, 2011


natalie pulled a dress out of her drawer and put it on her head. thinking this is surely a sign that she wants to wear the dress, i put it on her. she pranced about, cute as can be. that's when i saw it.

a piece of the underskirt (?) had ripped apart from the dress and was dangling about. oh no! what shall i do?!

you think i should sew it? wellllll... ok! 

( i will put a photo of the finished product here)

i love that i can say that :)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

16 months... the sweet and the stinky of it

it has been a monumental week so far.

on monday natalie told me "i love you" and gave me a hug--without prompting! awwww, how sweet is that?!

then on tuesday she walked up to me and said "stinky" indicating that SHE was stinky, not me. what a smart girl!

i am loving this stage. 16 months old and absorbing every single thing that goes on around her. sometimes she just sits and watches. other times she is up and exploring. she is always learning. it is fun to observe her take it all in, process new knowledge, and then do something with it.

i'm finding that i'm missing the baby stage less and less and enjoying the now more and more.

i love my sweet and sometimes stinky girl!









happy thursday everyone!!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

happy birthday and dash of honesty

i re-started this blog one year ago today, which happens to be my dad's birthday, so happy re-birthday to my blog and happy birthday to my dad!

with birthday wishes out of the way, i'd like to get serious for a moment.

some of you readers have made comments about me being a super mom (or something like that), and while i thank you for the compliment and am happy to know i appear to have some parts of my life in order, i want you to know that it is sooooo not true!

the truth is, i'm figuring things out along the way, probably just like you are!

one thing i've learned from being a mom and teacher is that no two kids are exactly alike and kids behave differently at home than they do in public... sometimes drastically so, sometimes just slightly so. as a parent, i get to experience both extremes and something right about in the middle! most of the time i am happy my own kids keep me on my toes, because i feel it makes me a better teacher. other times i wish their own teachers would just take them home for the night so i could have some peace and quiet!


ever since going back to work after natalie was born i've been struggling with how to balance work and home. i find i spend waaay too much time on work stuff, but i can't seem to lessen the load. no matter how much i try to be organized and on top of things, there is just always a ton to do and if i'm not prepared, then i can't do my job and i let lots of people down. if i commit more time to planning and preparing my lessons, i spend 10 hours a day at school and my own family suffers.


i'm not complaining, just trying to explain that things are not always rosey around here. that my life is real life, no matter what it looks like on a blog.

and things are not more difficult just because natalie joined our family (currently, she's the easy one!)


i feel teaching has become more demanding over the past few years and my own kids are getting older and their needs are changing. i feel i've got the baby and toddler thing down, but pre-teen? not so much. and if you think i'm refering to taylor, he is only part of that picture. i think zach is going through a super-early, pre-teen, classic middle kid quandry. oh, the attitude! i know what you are thinking--not zachy bob?!? i know, right?!


so that may explain why i haven't been posting as much. i've just been trying to figure out where and what can be cut from my life to make things a bit easier on me. by no means do i want to cut the blog out completely... writing here makes me happy. it's an outlet. and a reminder of what we have done and how far we have come. i want to write more! and i will as soon as i can.



joe and i have been watching mad men on netflix. seeing what things were like 50 years ago... well, let's just say i am so thankful for a wonderful husband who willingly helps me out. and when neither of us know what to do, at the least we have each other to laugh with! (even though he looks super serious in this picture, he's a very funny guy!)


happy wednesday everyone!