Tuesday, January 3, 2012

35 things... an update

remember when i posted this? it was almost 6 months ago. which means i have just over 6 months to get as much done on my list as i can! how is it going you ask? let's see...
35 things i want to do when i'm 35... 
1. sew a pillowcase dress done!
2. learn to play the guitar
3. make a skirt
4. make homemade cinnamon rolls
5. go camping
6. go to the snow
7. have date night once a month have done this 2 out of 5 months
8. run a 5k
9. paint my bathroom
10. make 5 freezer meals--one for each wednesday during a given month
11. re-do hallway pictures
12. organize kids' storage bins
13. send birthday cards to family and friends
14. read harry potter, book 1, to my children
15. make another (better) rainbow cake did it!
16. get a family picture taken go lions!
17. go out to dinner in a dress
18. eat clean for one month working on it...
19. write to sony at least every other month
20. go to seattle
21. lose 10 pounds i've gained 5, so does that mean i need to lose 15 now?
22. take kids to the ocean
23. organize family photo albums
24. ben's baby book--1st year
25. natalie's baby book--1st year
26. go to nevada
27. visit great grandpa
29. support darien at disney world
30. visit family in michigan
31. teach kids how to do their own laundry-ha!
32. design and make a headboard for our bed
33. go on field trips with my kids
34. tile bathroom floor
35. write a children's story
wow, i feel so unaccomplished. i better get busy! maybe i should have made a "5 things i wish i'd done when i was 5" list instead?! ;)

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