Friday, June 15, 2012

make it a mini goal kind of day

it's that time again... the summer list has been made and plans are underway for yet another wild and crazy parker family summer break! i will share the list soon, i promise. it's not on my list today. (more on that later.)

as i mentioned yesterday, i reaaallly needed this break, but once it started, all i wanted to do was relax and simply veg out or read a book. my batteries needed some serious re-charging  and i would've been so happy doing nothing at all... with or without starbucks (or a margarita) in hand. preferably with, of course.

on monday, i set out to do just that... relax with a venti iced coffee.

too bad for me, my children view summer break a little differently. i was a wreck all day, because i had nothing planned for them. they were bored and wiggly and getting on my each other's nerves... a lot. it was not a great day. i apologize to my dinner guests if i seemed a little grumpy--i was!

unfortunately, tuesday was not much better, as i was too tired to actually plan anything on monday to do the following day. bummer for everyone.... again.

wednesday started off with a dentist appointment... with all 4 kids in tow. exciting! who knew the dentist would be crazy busy, as in standing room only, at 8:15 in the morning?! but an hour later we left with treasures from the treasure chest, sealants on the teeth, and ... the new-found knowledge that natalie has an extra tooth! apparently this is hereditary and i hear my dad has/had an extra tooth? anyone else in the family want to claim responsibility for this little gift? we find it charming and just another reason our baby girl is so special :)

thursday (yesterday) marked the day where i truly got my act in order. it all started with a to-do list. lists are amazing things, i tell you. there is something very satisfying about checking things off! i felt very productive and the day registered low on my stress-o-meter. hooray for that, right?! we even did a little crafting. that's right, craft thursdays are back!

this really isn't a revelation. lists are a must-have in my everyday life. i have even been known to add things i've already done just so i can check something off. ha ha!

this is my list today.


check and check.

how cute is my to-do list? it's even more fun to get things done when your list gives you a little pep talk. you can get your very own mini goals notepad here.

what was on your list today? did you get it done?

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