Saturday, October 29, 2011

from the vlog archives

in july of 2008 joe took me on a surprise birthday trip. i had no idea where we were going or what we would be doing. he planned every little detail AND managed to keep it a secret! i don't think i could have done that.

when i was searching for a video of zachary to put on his belated birthday post i came across some vlogs (video logs) of our trip. i spent about 45 minutes watching them again and again. at one point i was laughing so hard joe came into our room from the living room and told me to quiet down--warning me that i was going to wake the kids up. ha!

pretty soon he was by my side laughing with me. and in case you are wondering, neither one of us woke the kids up.

i'm not sure you will enjoy these the same way we do, but i'm confident they are good for at least a little laugh.

joe's favorite:

my favorite:

bonus video:

so let's take a little vote. did i make it or not?


Alissa said...

Not sure... all were pretty funny! Happy times, Julie! : )

mykecusa said...

If your boys behaved that way, you'd be all over them. What a great surprise Joe pulled.