Monday, November 14, 2011

lookie, lookie

a new header! it's going to be out of season soon, but that's okay.

have you used the program picnik to edit your photos? i love it. i use the free features and am wondering if it's worth the $ for the premium membership. do you know? definitely a want vs. need. the only thing i feel like i am missing is more collage options. making collages is fun. and for me it's easier than scrapbooking.


today taylor had a doctor's appointment. that kid cracks me up. i was talking to the doctor for a few minutes while taylor was out in the hall. when we opened the door he was sprawled out all over the floor, making himself quite comfortable. ha!

we went to target after the appointment and it was so nice to hang out with just him. he was obsessed with using the price scanners and wanted only to look at harry potter books, but it was still fun. there were no tantrums or threats or shrill noises or trips to the bathroom... it was really, really nice! i should have taken a picture. instead i'll have to post a picture of something random.

Captain Underpants
taylor as captain underpants, halloween 2007

riding the buffalo in old sac

hope you had a happy monday! 4 more days until fall break... woo!

1 comment:

nana said...

WOO is right... haha! Can't wait to see what kind of yummy recipes and fun activities you come up with. You're the BEST MOM!!!