Tuesday, November 15, 2011

so much...

has changed with natalie the past few months and since blogging has taken a bit of a backseat, i have lots to share. this photo post is dedicated to all of the things i've wanted to blog about, but didn't.


nat had her first big girl bath! that's right, i finally grouted and caulked the hallway bathroom tile and tub!

she was so sad when she had to get out.

nattie got a new hat in the mail... so cute!

she had a terrible habbit of going "boneless" when you tried to help her walk.


but pushing her stroller around was lot of fun!

and now this girl is a walking machine! she walks all over the house. she still falls a lot, which is so scary. but it's amazing how much better she's gotten in just a few weeks.

my baby is now a toddler! WOW!

1 comment:

nana said...

And she's the "Cutest Toddler Ever"! I dreaded the walking stage, but now that it's here, it's sooooo much fun to watch her get excited at what she can now do and get into. I think Ben seems to have more interest in her now that she's mobil... and that's a good thing!