Friday, September 16, 2011

6 weeks

it has been six weeks since school started.


six weeks of crazy, chaos, and complete exhaustion.

i am tired. all of the time. and my house is messy. all of the times. and my kids need a referee. all of the time. see a pattern? bleh.

the blog has taken a backseat. but, you knew that already.

love this photo. perfect match to the boys' personalities right now. there is the spazzy little brother in front hamming it up 24/7. then on the left we have the sneaky brother who looks sweet and innocent, but he can be really rotten when he thinks no one is looking. on the right is the pre-teen brother who is too cool for pictures.

a lot has happened in 6 weeks. there is much i want to share. you are going to have to come back tomorrow to find out about the most important update though.

i did it again. i am such a tease. but it's so much fun! see you tomorrow.

same bat time, same bat channel.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

I checked back and I love your Ode to Taylor post!! : ) I can't believe it has been 10 years since you had that kiddo. I remember coming to visit you, Joe and Taylor when he was under a year and I gave him little stacking cups. ummm... he seems a little bit beyond them now. teeheehee