Monday, September 19, 2011

i'm a school boy now!

for as long as he has known that his big brothers leave for school each weekday morning and he doesn't, ben has wanted to go to school.

we told him he'd get to go when he was 4. big mistake. ben turned 4 in february and school started in august. that was 6 months of him not understanding why he couldn't go to school when he was 4. poor guy.

so when august finally rolled around and we told ben he was really going to start school, he wasn't all that excited. he was probably thinking, "you said that when i turned 4."

but the big day did come and ben was ready.

he styled his own hair


Photobucketall the boys wore their tie-dye shirts in honor of ben's first day--they were excited for him

Photobucketin the car and ready to go

once at school, ben had to wait a little while before preschool actually started. luckily dad, taylor, and zachary were there to keep him company.


Photobucketthey posed for more pictures

Photobucketthey walked around the track

and acted a little silly, of course

finally it was time to say goodbye to mom and the brothers and walk over to the preschool classroom. ben was getting really excited now.



not even a rock in his shoe could take away from his special day

taking a sneak peek through the window

yep, still excited

let's do this thing!

signing in

laying on the carpet (ben has a lot to learn!)

there we go!

ben had a great, but tiring  first day.


he has been in school now for 4 weeks. he loves being a school boy so much. he's had to sit in the "thinking chair" a few times, but he always tells us about it and seems to understand why. he loves his teachers and we are grateful for that. it's hard to believe i have three kids in school now.

did you go to preschool?
do you remember it?

the only things i remember about preschool are a girl who bit her lip and swinging on some swings. weird!


nana said...

Funny, we were just talking about how much our school's curriculum has changed over the years. They didn't have preschool back in my day (the 50's). Our first schooling was kindergarten... where the focus was on structured play-time, fingerpainting, eating our snack then taking a nap with a blanket we brought from home. Wow, what a difference compared to what kindergarten is today!

Peggy and Curt said...

What fun to follow your son's path! You captured it well. I loved the t-shirts for the first day! What a fun tradition!