Monday, September 26, 2011

under the weather

on the hottest day of the year, my darling daughter caught a cold.

as weird as that seems it just goes to show that germs are everywhere. rain or shine. all you parents out there who tell your kids to put a coat on so they won't catch a cold, don't bother! coats are not magical screens shielding us from germy harm.

boo to germs.

on the bright side, nat's been cuddling a lot, which is sweet. in fact, we've been taking shifts holding her throughout the night, because she can't lay down. and when i say holding her throughout the night i mean, joe takes shift #1 and i sleep from 8-12 and i take shift #2 while joe sleeps from 12-6. during the weekend i would then go back to bed at 6 and sleep until 8. and IF she napped during the day, it was vertically and in our arms, as well.

5 days and nights of that...? not so sweet.  

tonight is night 6 of this horrid cold. so far nat has been in her crib for her longest stretch of sleep since wednesday. we are at 90 minutes right now. i just finished the lesson planning i didn't get to do while i was home with her on thursday afternoon and friday. there has been coughing, but no crying. i am going to bed now and i am hoping and praying i actually get to sleep more than 4 hours in my own bed tonight.

i am hoping and praying sweet nattie gets a good night of sleep, too.

and joe--he's sick now, also.

goodnight :)

1 comment:

mykecusa said...

I said a prayer for you and Natalie also. Namaste' Julie.