Monday, March 7, 2011

7 months


on friday natalie had her 7 month birthday.

i was only a little bit sad.

sad that i will never have another 6 month old again. 6 months is one of my favorite ages.

at 7 months old, natalie is still the sweetest, go-with-the-flow kind of baby. don't get me wrong, she knows what she likes and doesn't like and she's not afraid to vocalize her opinions, but she isn't fussy and she hardly ever cries. in fact, when she's mad she grunts and spits. very lady-like! taking her places is super easy. she makes a great shopping buddy--something i hope will continue for a long time to come! she also is very patient--moreso than her brothers anyway. we love having her around so much--she's been the perfect addition to our crazy family!

some of nat's favorite things:
- her toes
- mrs. kong
- showers
- brothers
- reading books
- singing & dancing to katy perry
- musical frog from cousin jayden
- sleeping in mom and dad's bed

happy 7 month birthday, sweet baby girl!!

1 comment:

brenparker said...

Happy 7th month birthday Natalie. Grandma's sending you lots of hugs and kisses.