Tuesday, March 8, 2011

what does a town council member wear anyway?

taylor's class did a re-enactment of the mexican-spanish war. he did a great job!

taylor had two parts: padre and town council member.

the students had to collect props/costumes from home to use for their production. taylor brought boots, shoes, and a tie.

taylor told us very little about the whole thing. we practiced his lines a bit, but really everything we saw was pretty much a surprise. joe and i both were able to attend. we were very proud of our oldest son.

during his scene as the council member, i couldn't help but chuckle as taylor came out wearing this clip-on tie. it was my brother's when he was in 1st or 2nd grade. my boys love wearing that tie to "dress up" a t-shirt. so funny!

at the end of the performance, the students came out and bowed in groups based on the scenes they were in. thankfully taylor had two parts, so i could catch this little gem on tape.

way to make even a boring ol' bow exciting, tay!


brenparker said...

Good Job Taylor -- I would have loved to see that. Grandma in Michigan is also very proud of him!!

Jennifer Parker said...

funny taylor :)