Monday, March 21, 2011

can't get enough... spoons?

Photobucketnatalie wants to eat. she stares food down. she reaches for it practically begging with her eyes... feed me.

on saturday i fed her solid food (if you can call it that). this is only the third time. she has some food allergy issues going on, so we are taking it slow.

i mixed up a bowl of delicious whole grain rice cereal. yum! nat's eyes were smiling at the sight of it.

she reached and stretched to reach some more. she looks so tiny in her high chair.

Photobucketfinally she connected with that spoon filled of "solid" goodness.

oh. the. horror.

Photobucketobviously not what she had been dreaming of.

the spoons were a hit though!

what do you think should be natalie's second solid food?

1 comment:

Alissa said...

LOVE the hair! I wish Emmarie had enough for a sweet little pony tail! She also loves spoons, specifically the teaspoon from a set we had - she carried it with her everywhere.

Applesauce is always popular around here. Maybe with some cinnamon? Yum!