Sunday, April 17, 2011

craft thursday and friday

craft tuesday didn't happen this week. i had done ab ripper x on sunday afternoon and was still hurting too much to do anything. sad, but true.

thursday arrived before i knew it. we had a playdate, so i set out watercolors and paper for some free painting time. but that's not crafting.

so before i made dinner, i set out foam fish cutouts, glitter glue, googly eyes, and sequin mix. the boys were going to make shiny, happy, colorful fish. a symbol of warm weather and summer fun to come!


i let the boys create freely and i stepped (a few feet) away to make dinner. but first i snapped some pictures.






on friday morning the boys got up and the dining room table was still covered with thursday's craft. "can we make more fish?" they asked. yes! "can we make other things, too?" of course!

combine your crafts: fish with watercolor background!

big fish, little fish

fish and a turtle

monster and monsters on an egg

a blurry photo of baby mario and luigi

they worked for hours on various foam creations. fish, monsters, turtles, mario & luigi.... i heard "will you help me?" followed by "sure!" and "wow you made a really great fish!" followed by "thank you." sweet moments that melt a mama's heart.

that is why i love craft thursday... turned into craft friday or whatever day we happen to craft. i love happy, crafty hands!

i find a lot of my craft ideas on other blogs. wish i were creative enough to come up with them on my own. the fish idea was straight from the sequin package i picked up at target (where a sale is taking place on craft items!)

where do you find ideas for crafting?

1 comment:

nana said...

Great creations boys! Zachy drew me a wonderful detailed and acolorful picture of bowling. Wish I knew how to add it to your site. Guess I'll give you the picture :))))))