Tuesday, April 12, 2011

nat is 8 months old!


natalie had her 8 month birthday last week. she is still my happy girl, but she has a new side now, too. it goes something like this.

natalie: rolls every which way on the changing table trying to reach the basket of diapers.
me: "natalie, hold still!!"
natalie: continues to squirm and wiggle making it near impossible to diaper and dress her.
me: moves the basket.
natalie: "WAAAAHHHHH."

it's the most deafening scream. the boys NEVER screamed like that. it physically hurts my ears. and i can't even walk away, because most of the time she's still naked!


she's still so cute though! here are some other interesting facts about our 4th born:

-she has one tooth on the bottom left and her top left tooth just poked through today. cute!
-she likes to pat-a-cake with zachary.
-she claps when you say "yay!"
-she throws her arms down when she's mad.
-she has just started crying when i leave the room, but if i tell her i'm going to be right back, she'll stop.
-she primarily rolls to get where she wants to go, but she's recently started scooching.
-she is still not the best sitter. she doesn't know how to brace a fall. ouch.
-she has just started to eat more solid foods. so far she's had avacado, rice cereal, banana, and sweet potato. they were all a hit!


i predict she'll be getting around a lot more efficiently after spring break is over.


1 comment:

Alissa said...

Emmarie does the same squirming thing when changing, except she bursts into crying for pretty much the whole time (unless she is holding something fun/new). GRRR! Way to go Natalie - 8 months! WOW! (I like the gummed/partially eaten sign)