Saturday, April 23, 2011

good afternoon, my name is russell

do you know what movie that is from? ben used to say that little phrase and then bust up laughing. such a comedian!

the title of this post is just as random as the contents. enjoy! :)

pie tins = baby fun (thanks to alissa and baby e for letting us in on this little known fact)

and i was worried because it was quiet

a rainbow for someone special

nat loves books just like her brothers

she also loves to eat... do you see her single tooth in there? love it!

climbing the ladder of a maybe someday tree house

i can't believe he is going to be 10 this year!

needing some shades

did you check out the farley's website? did you see all those prizes? maybe YOU will win something by donating just $10. for every $10 you donate, you earn a chance to win. be sure you leave a comment on the farley's website entering yourself into the drawing. one comment for every $10.  winning something would be cool.

but bringing sergey home to a family who wants to love on him and care for him... that would be the best.

so if you haven't made a donation yet, go do that. if you have, think about doing it again.  
for sergey.

back to randomness...

today ben gave the pest control guy "the cheese touch" and i think it made him mad.  ha!

also, this morning zach said he knows the easter bunny isn't real... "it's just a man in a suit."
what man you ask? "santa... or an elf." ha! ha!

i love my kids.

now tell me something random about your day.

1 comment:

Alissa said...

Love the pie pan! See, super fun! :) I had Emmarie try on her Easter dress a day early and pose for some pictures because tomorrow will be crazy. How are babies supposed to Easter egg hunt?? It is 66 whopping degrees here right now! Bust out the shorts (at least for Mark!). Random: I was at Old Navy and they had all these signs that you could scan with your Smartphone... um... I don't have one! Where are my special prizes?