Sunday, February 20, 2011

first pigtails

natalie wore her first set of pigtails yesterday. so cute!!!


i can't tell you how much fun it is to play with her hair. if she's anything like her brothers, i won't get to dress her up the way i want for long. like her brothers do, she'll have her own idea of cute. (see evidence below)


i think i dressed her in three outfits, just so i could take photos of her with three different types of coordinating clips. ha!


grandpa bear, you are not allowed to ask her what's under a pig's tail. enough said.

how cute is this?!


what's not so cute is the flood in our backyard. yuck.


Jennifer said...

You've waited a long time to have a little girl to dress up and do pigtails....have at it!!!

brenparker said...

Love the pigtails. Julie, I sure can see a lot of you in her. She is beautiful:)