Wednesday, February 9, 2011

sweet girl * 6 month update


natalie is and always has been a sweet, mellow tempered baby. she is stubborn, but she isn't a cryer and is easy to soothe.

she had her well baby visit on tuesday. dr. huey thinks her "sweetness" is all for show and that there's trouble behind that gummy grin and those dreamy eyes. look at those eyes... do you see trouble? i didn't think so!

she is still my "big girl." she has dropped a bit off her curve in weight. probably from refusing to eat for 4 weeks while mommy was at school. (that's her stubborn side.) she weighed in at just over 18 lbs. her length is still in the 100th percentile. she is nearly 28 inches long! according to dr. huey, she's the size of a large 8 month old. i say "stop growing up so quickly baby girl!"

natalie got her 2nd dose of dtap yesterday. she cried right when she got the shot, but then, just like that, she stopped. i scooped her up and she just looked at the nurse... clearly not happy, but not upset either. (that is her sweet, mellow tempered side.)

our next appointment isn't until september... she'll be just over a year old. but i don't want to think about that. i just want to live in this moment and enjoy all of her chubby, sweet babyliciousness while it lasts. and yeah, i'm pretty sure i just made that word up!

1 comment:

brenparker said...

She is SOOO precious -- I love hearing about this sweet baby girl. There is nothing BUT sweetness in those beautiful eyes. Thank you so much for the updates:):):):):):):):)