Sunday, February 6, 2011

the world of blogging

so you've probably noticed some changes.

this is not my first blog. i started blogging after ben was born... twice.

one of the things that has frustrated me about blogging is that it can seem overwhelming at first. online storage, html, pixels... oh my! i'm not computer savvy in any way.

i've enjoyed reading blogs and have wondered how so many people can make their blogs look pretty. i wanted a pretty blog. it's hard to commit to something you don't like.

this time around i've stepped it up a notch. i've done some online research. the internet is amazing. if you know where and how to search, you can find anything!

it was ridiculously simple to pretty up this blog. there was some trial and error, but the most frustrating thing to happen was when ben pushed the power button on my computer and turned it off mid work. stinker. but with technology being so advanced, i didn't actually lose anything. can't tell you why... but how cool is that?!

i've heard many people say they've thought of starting a blog.

if you are one of those people and the reason you haven't is because you are scared it'll be hard, i'm here to say YOU CAN DO IT!

i found great help here and here and here.

do you have a blog? why or why not?

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