Friday, June 24, 2011

end of the year teacher gift

there are many times during the week that i think "oh, that would be a great blog post." later when i go to post something i can't remember what i wanted to share.

then i look through the pictures on my camera and see photos like this:
and i think "how smart of me to take a picture of what i wanted to blog about!" now if only i can remember to do that more often. ha!

i found the idea for these sweet boxes here. i found it last year, but the school year had just ended (sorry mrs. o! maybe you'll get one in two years?!), so i tucked this little treasure away until this year and surprise! i actually remembered to use it!

you can also find some other cute teacher appreciation ideas on this site. teachers will dig the fun phrases, homemade touch, and most of all, the thoughtfulness :)

the boys each picked out the color combinations, letter styles, and decorative pieces for their boxes. i cut the paper and used glue dots to adhere the paper and ribbon to the box. taylor put the letter stickers and decorations on the top. zach had the stomach flu, so he gave me permission to do the letter stickers on his, but he added the flowers. together we picked out the contents: colorful paperclips and binder clips,  pencils (ticoderoga, of course!), smelly stickers, and chocolate.


 zachary had two teachers, mrs. campbell and mrs. perez, so we made a box for each of them. taylor's teacher was mrs. schulz.

this box can be adapted for all kinds of special people, not just teachers. are you going to tuck this little treasure of an idea away and make one for someone some day?  


Jill said...


Remember the tin buckets I did last year. Remembering those, I finally feel like I did something worthy of you! HA!

Alissa said...

Absolutely adorable!! I would love to have received one of these! : )

nana said...

I thought Taylor had 4 or 5 teachers.... that's how many classes we went to at Open House. The boxes looked terrific... just wish I could have seen what he'd have come up with for Mr. Higginbotham, the science teacher... I can only imagine how "special" it would have been!!!