Friday, June 17, 2011


this little token of happiness comes in the form of an iphone app.

two weeks ago (?) an app called "silent film director" was advertised for free. my techie husband put it on his iphone and had fiddled with it a bit, but it wasn't until last weekend that i experienced the joy and sheer hilarity this app can bring.

let's be honest. my children are a bit on the spazzy side. i don't mind that, most of the time. well, this app highlights their whacky ways and makes them actually look cool. it's kinda like those funny face pictures, i know watching these videos when i'm in a funk will cheer me up.

so go ahead and check them out. i hope you enjoy them as much as i do.

i didn't know who to keep my eyes on!

the girl likes to bounce!

did they make you laugh? did you see taylor shove zach's head down? did you catch the little kick at the end of ben's dance? maybe you counted how many times he ran around the pool? there were so many things to look at. we watched the videos over and over and always found something new to laugh at. goofy kids.

what was your favorite part of the videos?

ps: tomorrow i will be posting our annual summer to do list. i think this is our best list yet!


brenparker said...

I have tears running down my face. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. This is awesome. Ben could give Harold Lloyd (silent film actor) a run for his money. I'm still laughing. I had to watch it over and over to catch everything and it made me laugh harder each time. Now to Natalie's video.

brenparker said...

Natalie has the sweetest most happiest smile I have ever seen.She sure does love to bounce.

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