Tuesday, June 7, 2011

i am so making this!

that is, as soon as i get my hands on some ripe bananas.

doesn't it sound delicious? i think someone created this recipe just for me. i will let you know how it turns out.


today was a work day. at school. not a paid one either, but i did get a lot done. i can't wait to say it's finished. that my room is ready for next year. that i don't have to go back until august. i think i will celebrate that day. since i am an emotional eater, i celebrate with food. should i have some chipotle? take the fam to red robin? buy a few selections of coconut bliss? make a cookie pie (you can find that recipe here)?

what would you do?


Alissa said...

Red Robin sounds good and follow that with dessert at home - Coconut Bliss. YUM!!! You go girl with a day of hard work. Are you moving into the building?? gasp! Hey, your blog is looking pretty spiffy too.

Julie said...

we haven't been to red robin for a long time. maybe since before natalie was born? i like your thinking though, maybe i'll just do all of the above! and yes! a real classroom. no more portable. it only took 9 years.

Alissa said...

Congratulations!!!!!! Just think, you will be able to go just down the hall to the bathroom and not outside where it might be toasty or not so much. So, what did you end up doing?