Monday, June 27, 2011

my brother's birthday

today is my little brother's birthday.

calling him my "little brother" makes me chuckle. when i was a kid, i called him my little brother and all of my grown ups would always say "some day he's going to be bigger than you." i would snicker, thinking that day was sooo far off. and what do you know? it happened--he was no longer my "little brother." today my brother is 25 (because that would make me almost 27).

he is more than a size or age though. he's funny, smart, kind, and thoughtful. he's a gentleman. and he's an awesome uncle to my little rugrats.

last week we attended my grandmother's memorial together. without my ever asking, he held doors open, buckled kids in car seats, took kids out of car seats, served thirsty children beverages with straws prepared, carried a baby, ushered bigger kids who weren't paying attention, monitored someone on time-out, started the car so it could begin cooling down before we got in, listened to goofy stories that didn't make sense, showed my kids his roommates python, because he knew they'd love to see it... the list goes on. 

yesterday we celebrated his special day with swimming, pizza, and lemon pie. It was a fun day!


happy birthday little brother! hope 25 is a great year for you with lots of boogying!!



Jennifer said...

Sounds like a good brother!

Along those lines, I sure do miss my "baby" brother...

Jennifer said...

p.s. Happy birthday to Brandon!

nana said...

I agree :)))))) I also think he's a pretty awesome little brother, uncle, friend and son. Happy Birthday Brandon. You are LOVED!!!

mykecusa said...

Little brothers have a way of growing on big sisters. Perhaps 25 is an 'awaking' age. Maybe it takes until 27. I'm not sure, Happy Birthday son.