Thursday, July 14, 2011

thursday randomness

no craft to post about today. we have been running here and there and everywhere. or so it seems. but we did craft today, so next thursday i will post some darling paintings of dancing cows and dancing kids. i know, i know. it will be sooo hard to wait! so here's a sampling to tide you over.

too cute, right? any guesses as to whose cow this is?

this morning the boys were having mandatory outside time. does anyone else have to force their kids to play outside? we've had a few incidents of mud fighting recently, so before i left them to make mud pies  unsupervised i nonchalantly reminded them that people with good character make good choices and do the right thing even when they think no one is looking. ha!

i'm just going to say this...
my children are a work in progress.

and now i will show you this...
and this...
i was so mad. i did not yell though. i think i whined a little. seriously? you did this again? seriously?!!! then i filled a bucket with soap and water and brought out a broom and scrub brush and some towels. they cleaned it up. as best as a 4 year old and 6 year old can. after zach hosed off the patio and it dried, ben cleaned the window and zach set up the table again. all by themselves. that made me feel a lot better.

what do you do when your kids keep making the same "mistakes"?

when the boys were babies, they spent a lot of time cooling down in a bucket. buckets are the perfect for pint sized fun! i will have to see if i can find pictures of the boys in their buckets.

last week we finally had the chance to put natalie in a bucket and let her splash around. this girl LOVES water! she had so much fun.



she has recently started pulling herself up to stand and she did that in the bucket. no pictures of that though. scary!

i seem to remember a picture of me and my brother swimming in buckets at grandma lorraine's when we were little.  


6 weeks ago we decided to cut ben's hair. shave it off and give him a summer cut. like his dad and brothers.

this is what his hair looks like today...

i cannot bring myself to cut it! it's his benny -fro. now i think i'll just let it grow and grow and grow. i think i'm afraid that if i cut it, it will never be the same.  

what would you do?

if you have more than one kid you know just how hard it is to get a good picture of all the kids together at the same time. you know, a picture with everyone simply looking at the camera. smiling would be a bonus. well i haven't done that yet, but i did get a good shot of 3/4 of the parker kids. enjoy!

"ahhh!!! he's gonna push me in the pooool!"

"aaarr! whatcha be lookin' at?"

i wonder what they are looking at?

winner winner chicken dinner!

as busy as we are some days, i sure do love summer and being at home with my kids is the best!


mykecusa said...

Mud pie fights are as fun as snow ball fights, and just as cleanup capable (well almost).

Natalie looks really unhappy, or grumpy in one picture. Are you sure she really likes being stuffed in a bucket ?

I vote for a haircut for the funny kid. Actually I have nothing to say about it. What does Ben want ? After all he has to wear it.

Those last pictures they look so angelic. How can you say such things about those darling boys ?

nana said...

I've got the picture of you and B. sitting right here next to me... you guys were sooooooo cute :))) Of course you still are.

Remind me and I will give you the picture when I see you... not for keeps... but long enough to scan :))))

And yes... you DO have darling boys!!!